Saturday, June 23, 2012

What I Saw in England

English gardens are famous, and June is when they are at their best. The roses in particular are spectacular. Instead of telling you about my recent trip, I'm going to let the pictures speak for themselves. 

 If you want to see more, there are a few dozen on my Facebook page. Go to Photos and browse the albums England June 2012 and Another Wiltshire Garden.  (And if you feel like it, "Like" my page while you are there).


  1. These pix are gorgeous. At least this year with all the rain in NEW England we have lawns like that!
    Thanks for the pictures, Dee

  2. Wonderful photos. One of the things I miss about England are the beautiful gardens and garden shows.

  3. These pictures are wonderful, Miranda; thanks for posting them. I've only been to England once and would truly love to go back again.

    My mother-in-law left Austria in 1938 to go to England on a Domestic Visa and work as a maid. It was one of the few ways that young Jewish women could escape the burgeoning onslaught of Hitler and the Holocaust. She met her husband in Darby. He was a Czech citizen who came to Great Britain to join the RAF. He also left his home behind to save himself and his family as well as to help in the war effort. We still proudly display his RAF Medals.

    If you ever decide to write contemporaries, their story would make an incredible book!

  4. @Dee. Tell me about it! Plenty of rain in Old and New England.

    @Ella. The gardens are amazing. I try to emulate them, on a small scale, but mine never looks as good.

  5. What a great romance, Flora. Dare I say it, but WWII era stories count as historical, not contemporary! Scary, isn't it :)

  6. Hi Miranda,

    Yes, this is indeed true and scary! Pardon my delay in responding, but I thought you might still find this interesting.

    I was discussing your post and response to my comment with a friend a few days ago. She told me that there is a book out now that also actually does deal with the subject of young Jewish women using domestic service visas to escape Europe duuring that era. The book is "The House at Tyneford" by Natasha Solomons. It is a work of fiction that was inspired by the author's great-aunt, Gabi Landau "who managed to escape Europe by becoming a 'mother's help' for an English family during the late 1930's...." I just bought a copy and it's next on my reading list!
